Implement Zoho Qntrl

If you’re in charge of a process, department, or organization, and you’re looking to gain more visibility into what’s happening in your area, you want control over what does and doesn’t happen, and you want to simplify your daily work life through automation, you’ve come to the right place.


Centralization and Visibility

Centralize requests coming into your team. You can even use our API to automatically create requests from other systems. Everything that needs to be done, by whom, and when it needs to be done is captured in Qntrl. Provide your team members with a quick view of the status of all items.

Process Automation

Send email and update the CRM. Qntrl provides numerous ways to automate your processes, including automated workflow steps, automatic task assignment, email notification sending, and automatic document and PDF generation, just to name a few.

Reports and Dashboards

Qntrl helps you track the most important metrics for your business, using built-in reports like the blueprint duration chart, stage utilization chart, and blueprint usage report. You can also generate and schedule your own reports by grouping and filtering data.

Zoho Qntrl: Manage and Optimize your Quality Processes Efficiently

Quality management is a cornerstone in any business striving for excellence in its products and services. Zoho Qntrl is a solution designed to simplify the management and optimization of quality processes, enabling companies to improve customer satisfaction and meet rigorous standards.

What is Zoho Qntrl?

Zoho Qntrl is a quality management platform that allows businesses to plan, execute, and improve quality processes effectively. This solution offers a wide range of features, including creating quality plans, incident tracking, and generating detailed reports.

Advantages of Zoho Qntrl

Quality Improvement: Facilitates the implementation of quality practices that enhance the quality of products and services.

Regulatory Compliance: Helps comply with quality standards and regulations.

Accurate Data Analysis: Provides detailed data for informed decision-making.

Why Zoho Qntrl is Important for Your Business?

Customer Satisfaction

Zoho Qntrl contributes to customer satisfaction by ensuring the delivery of high-quality products and services.

Regulatory Compliance

Helps comply with quality standards and regulations, essential in regulated industries.

Operational Efficiency

Optimizes quality processes, resulting in increased operational efficienc

How to Get Started with Zoho Qntrl?

Step 1: Registration: Start by registering on the Zoho Qntrl online platform.

Step 2: Quality Plan Creation: Design detailed quality plans for your products and services.

Step 3: Tracking and Reporting: Use tracking and reporting tools to monitor quality and compliance.

Step 4: Continuous Improvement: Based on the data collected, implement continuous improvements in your quality processes.


In summary, Zoho Qntrl is an essential tool for any business looking to improve the quality of its products and services. With its features of quality management, regulatory compliance, and accurate data analysis, it provides the necessary tools to optimize quality processes and meet rigorous standards. If you want to increase customer satisfaction, comply with regulations, and improve operational efficiency, Zoho Qntrl is the solution you need.


1. Is Zoho Qntrl suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, Zoho Qntrl is suitable for both small businesses and large corporations looking to improve quality management.

2. What types of reports can be generated in Zoho Qntrl?

Zoho Qntrl allows generating detailed reports on quality and compliance, including incident reports, trend analysis, and more.

3. Is Zoho Qntrl complicated to use?

No, Zoho Qntrl offers an intuitive interface that allows users to quickly start managing quality processes. Additionally, it provides training and support to help users make the most of the platform.

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