Implement Zoho BackToWork

Zoho BackToWork is a workplace readiness software that enables organizations to monitor employee well-being and facility preparedness for when they need to resume operations from their offices.


Administration Control Center

Track facility status to provide staff with a safer office space. This dashboard empowers upper management to better assess facility readiness, view individual employee health statuses, and decide on the correct procedure to follow.

Employee Communications

Share guidelines, best practices, and frameworks directly with staff on their phones. This module allows organizations to collect, design, and distribute materials related to hygiene and health, FAQs, and announcements in a coordinated manner, across the web and mobile devices.

Employee Service Requests

Address different employee workplace service requests with this module. Manage requests for various assets, from office supplies to disinfectants and office space maintenance. Organize and execute volunteer initiatives to give back to the community.

Zoho BackToWork: Facilitating Safe Return to Work

Workplace safety is essential, especially in challenging times like the pandemic. Zoho BackToWork is a solution designed to simplify and enhance how businesses manage the safe return to work.

What is Zoho BackToWork?

Zoho BackToWork is a platform that helps businesses effectively manage the safe return to work for their employees. This platform offers a wide range of features, including shift scheduling, employee health tracking, and workspace management to ensure a safe environment.

Advantages of Zoho BackToWork

Efficient Shift Scheduling: Facilitates shift scheduling to ensure safe occupancy of workspaces.

Employee Health Tracking: Allows for employee health tracking and early detection of potential health issues.

Workspace Management: Helps manage workspace to comply with social distancing regulations.

Why Zoho BackToWork is Important for Your Business?

Employee Safety

Zoho BackToWork contributes to employee safety by ensuring a safe return to work.

Regulatory Compliance

The platform helps comply with government regulations related to health and safety in the workplace.

Operational Efficiency

Facilitates efficient scheduling and workspace management, improving operational efficiency.

How to Get Started with Zoho BackToWork?

Step 1. Sign Up: Begin by signing up for the Zoho BackToWork online platform.

Step 2. Workspace Configuration: Configure your workspaces and establish safety guidelines.

Step 3. Shift Scheduling: Use the platform to schedule your employees’ shifts securely.

Step 4. Health Tracking: Utilize health tracking tools to ensure your employees’ safety.


In summary, Zoho BackToWork is an essential tool for any business looking to facilitate a safe return to work in a post-pandemic environment. With its features of shift scheduling, employee health tracking, and workspace management, it provides you with the necessary tools to ensure your staff’s safety and comply with health and safety regulations. If you want to prioritize employee safety, comply with regulations, and improve operational efficiency during the return to work, Zoho BackToWork is the solution you need.


1. Is Zoho BackToWork suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, Zoho BackToWork is suitable for both small businesses and large corporations that need to manage a safe return to work.

2. How does Zoho BackToWork help comply with health and safety regulations?

Zoho BackToWork offers tools for scheduling safe shifts, tracking employee health, and managing workspace in accordance with applicable regulations.

3. Can I customize safety guidelines in Zoho BackToWork?

Yes, you can customize safety guidelines on the platform to tailor them to your company’s specific needs.

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