Implement Zoho Apptics

A website analysis tool that allows you to monitor and analyze visitor behavior on your site.


Application Performance Analysis

Identify the root cause behind crashes and non-fatal exceptions reported in real-time. Dive deep into factors like events, sessions, and screens causing application crashes. You can also upload and manage DSYM and proguard files to help debug issues faster.

In-App Feedback


Allow your end-users to highlight how they feel about your application. The simple ‘shake to provide feedback’ helps your users report any errors and receive feedback instantly. You can review and analyze the sentiment of each feedback received from different platforms on a single dashboard.


Security and Privacy

With features like role-based access and audit logs, Zoho Apptics allows you to maintain the integrity and security of the data available in Apptics. You can define who can access what data in the Apptics console.

Zoho Apptics: Analyze and Optimize User Experience in Your Application

In the highly competitive world of mobile and web applications, user satisfaction is paramount to success. Zoho Apptics is a tool designed to analyze and optimize user experience in your applications, allowing you to better understand how your users interact and make informed decisions to improve their experience.

What is Zoho Apptics?

Zoho Apptics is a user experience analysis platform that enables businesses to track and analyze user behavior in mobile and web applications. This solution offers a wide range of features, including session tracking, heatmaps, and funnel analysis.

Advantages of Zoho Apptics

Understand Your Users: Provides detailed insights into how users interact with your application.

Optimize Experience: Identifies areas for improvement and optimizes the user experience.

Informed Decision Making: Enables data-driven decision-making to drive application growth.

Why Zoho Apptics is Important for Your Business?

User Satisfaction

Zoho Apptics helps improve user satisfaction by identifying and resolving issues in the application experience.

User Retention

Optimizing the user experience leads to higher user retention and brand loyalty.

Application Growth

Accurate data analysis enables informed decisions that drive application growth.

How to Get Started with Zoho Apptics?

Step 1. Sign Up: Begin by signing up for the Zoho Apptics online platform.

Step 2. App Integration: Integrate your mobile or web application with Zoho Apptics following the provided instructions.

Step 3. Tracking and Analysis: Use tracking and analysis tools to understand user behavior and optimize the experience.

Step 4. Decision Making: Based on the collected data, make informed decisions to improve the user experience.


In summary, Zoho Apptics is an essential tool for any company developing mobile or web applications and aiming to provide an exceptional user experience. With its user experience analysis features, experience optimization, and data-driven decision-making, it provides you with the necessary tools to understand your users and continually improve your application. If you’re looking to enhance user satisfaction, retain your users, and grow your application, Zoho Apptics is the solution you need.


1 .Is Zoho Apptics suitable for both mobile and web applications?

Yes, Zoho Apptics is suitable for both mobile and web applications and provides valuable insights for both platforms.

2. How do I integrate my application with Zoho Apptics?

Integration is done by following the instructions provided by Zoho Apptics, usually by including a tracking code in your application.

3. Is it complicated to use Zoho Apptics?

No, Zoho Apptics offers an intuitive interface and provides support to help you make the most of the platform and improve your application’s user experience.

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